
My Versatile Blogger Award!

I found a very unexpected comment on my blog yesterday, telling me that the wonderful Sean and Rhianne of Wanderfully Living have nominated me for a Versatile Blogger award!

Wanderfully Living is a new blog but already has some great posts and I’m excited to follow along on their adventures, especially as they are planning to make travel videos. 🙂 They are moving to Australia this year so I’m sure we will have amazing stories to share!


Slightly similar to other Blogger Awards, the Versatile Blogger Award is an award given by bloggers to other up-and-coming bloggers. It is designed to encourage new bloggers to keep up the good work and help people to discover new blogs. However, there are some criteria for selection. When nominating someone else for a Versatile Blogger Award, you have to consider following points:

  • The quality of the writing
  • The uniqueness of the subjects covered
  • The ‘level of love’ displayed in the person’s writing
  • The quality of the photographs

The rules of accepting are simple:

  • Thanks the person who nominated you in a blog post and links back to their blogs
  •  Share seven facts about yourself
  • List the rules and display the Versatile Blogger Award logo in your post and/or your blog
  • Nominate other bloggers (up to 10) to receive the award

Seven facts about me

1. Let’s start off with a travel one! I’ve lived in three countries (four if you count Scotland and England separately, I suppose!) with my eye on another one or two! So far, I’ve lived in the UK, the USA and Australia, and I’m looking to move to Canada for a few months some time in the next year! Eventually we’d like to settle down in Edinburgh. (Settle down? What’s that?)

2. I’ve been on the blogosphere since about 2002, before WordPress and all that jazz – I had to code it all in HTML! I used to run the biggest Busted fansite (my favourite band!) and I had a personal blog too.

3. I have a diploma in journalism, and writing has always been where my passion lies. I spent my childhood writing the stories that I created in my head, and I remember once in primary school we had to write a short story where my whole class wrote a page or two – I wrote 17! I haven’t really done any creative writing in years, although I do like to write lyrics which sometimes even make it onto songs.

4. I used to take line dancing classes! They were so much fun! No shame!

5. My favourite food is macaroni cheese. If I had to live off one food for the rest of my life, that would be it! (a good Scottish food is macaroni cheese in a pie!!! Yes, really!)

6. I’ve now done two sky dives – one in England and one in New Zealand!

7. Apart from travel, my main love is music, and Ash and I actually met at a gig of one of our favourite bands, Fightstar! The main reason we started talking more was because a group of us decided to go to Europe to see them! I’m pretty sure everything I do is unconventional lol.

My Nominations

I’d like to nominate the following for the award! (not everyone is a strictly “new” blogger but still!)

Between England And Iowa – I’ve known Kylie for yeeeears and she is a really good friend of mine so she immediately came to mind when I thought of who to nominate! Kylie recently moved to the USA to be with her husband and shares her experiences of the visa process and expat life. Her resources are invaluable for anyone going through the same thing!

Quirky Little Planet – I recently discovered this blog by Hayley, and I love her writing style and knack for noticing quirky things around the world! (I do the same, ha!)

Wild Kiwi – In a world saturated with travel blogs, it can be hard to find stories of unique adventures, but Chris at Wild Kiwi does that very well! From visiting Antarctica to working on a ship in the Arctic, and slightly warmer adventures like hitchhiking in Morocco, Chris has loads of really awesome stories to tell!

Gill Taylor Muses – This is impeccable timing for Gill, as I only discovered her blog today!! She writes about her travels since being diagnosed with dementia, and she gives a really interesting and inspiring perspective of travelling. One to watch!

Two Scots Abroad – I’d like to pass on my award from fellow Scots to some more Scots! 😉 Gemma & Craig have loads of tips for tons of countries and show you how to “make travel happen”! 🙂

You don’t have to accept the award, but if you do then simply follow the instructions above! And let me know the link to your post so I can check it out! 🙂

Thanks so much again to Wanderfully Living for nominating me!

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