
A Day In Beautiful Seville, Spain

While I was on the Algarve, I kept hearing the same things over and over again: Seville is AMAZING. To be honest, I have never really "got" Spain from my previous trips to Barcelona and the border towns by Gibraltar, but everyone was telling me that Seville was beautiful and absolutely worth visiting. On my… Continue reading A Day In Beautiful Seville, Spain

travel musings

2017 In Review: Challenges, Travel, Home & Blogging

2017 has been a funny one for me. I spent 10 months doing less travelling than I've done since I began travelling, but exploring lots of my own home and the UK, before suddenly visiting 3 countries in less than a month. But although travel hasn't been my number one priority this year, I've kept… Continue reading 2017 In Review: Challenges, Travel, Home & Blogging

italy · spain

#tbt: Hitting Two Of Europe’s “Big Cities”: Barcelona & Rome

When I owned my shop, time off was really scarce. Like, really really. Like, I went almost a year without having two days off together. So when I did find the time to get out of the UK (because leaving the country was genuinely the best - and only - way to distance myself from… Continue reading #tbt: Hitting Two Of Europe’s “Big Cities”: Barcelona & Rome

africa · gibraltar · morocco · spain

#tbt A Mediterranean Adventure: Gibraltar & Morocco

I always put some really peculiar things on my travel bucket list. One of the first things that made its way onto the list was visiting Gibraltar to get the shortest ferry across the Mediterranean sea to Morocco - what a perfect little mix of British, European and Arabian culture in one trip. Plus, you… Continue reading #tbt A Mediterranean Adventure: Gibraltar & Morocco